
Course Description

Enroll today in our Cleveland Codes 2.0, 14-week Mobile App Development Bootcamp for entry-level developers to gain the skills and understanding required for mobile app development. This course covers topics such as test-driven development and UI testing. The course is designed for beginners with little experience who want to pursue a career in the exciting world of mobile app development and for experienced Objective-C or Java developers who want to learn the React Native programming language.

Learner Outcomes

Students will be able to design and create iOS apps. Students will leverage Swift, the iOS SDK, and Apple developer tools. With iOS as the platform, students will learn object-oriented programming, design patterns, type systems, functional language features, user interface design, best practices in programming and problem analysis.

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Define key programming terms relevant to Swift and iOS programming

2. Describe the process of creating iOS apps

3. State the purpose of the Apple developer tools, such as Xcode, Instruments, debugger, analyzer and iOS Simulator

4. Distinguish well-written code from poorly-written code

5. Recognize patterns and idioms present in the Cocoa Touch API and other Apple frameworks

6. Employ the Apple developer tools to create an iOS app

7. Demonstrate programming best practices in Swift

8. Examine and subdivide app functionality into properly designed components

9. Explain and summarize iOS API features, including location, mapping, sensors, gestures, multimedia and user interface components

10. Plan, prepare and build an original iOS app from concept to working program

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