
Course Description

Unconscious (or implicit) biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that are formed outside of our own conscious awareness. Every person who has ever interacted with or seen another human being has unconscious biases that shape the way they view and think about other groups of people. At the individual level, these biases can negatively impact work relationships and performance. At the societal level, they can lead to an unfair and hostile environment for certain groups.

Although we all have unconscious biases, it doesn’t mean we can’t control and change them. It's up to each of us to take responsibility for our own biases, as they can have harmful, real-world outcomes.

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe what unconscious bias is, how it occurs and how it can affect work practices
  • Explain how to detect hidden biases
  • Recognize the benefits of diversity as well as its role in conflict
  • Identify instances of devaluing others through small, subconscious behaviors and microinequities
  • Leverage communication and empathy to help prevent conflict from occurring
  • Lead by example
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