
Course Description

$1059 (12-months to complete)

This course will prepare you to take the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Exam. Project managers rely on principles of project management to guide their actions and those of the stakeholders involved in the project. The resources in this course will introduce those principles and show practical examples of using them. Each lesson will have practice activities that allow you to practice the principles learned in that lesson.

Course Outline

Lesson 1: Course Orientation

This lesson will provide students with an overview of the Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide (PMBOK® Guide) Seventh Edition (7e) and PMI’s Agile Practice Guide (APG), as well as a course overview of assigned readings, slide presentations, drill activity, practice activity, quiz and final test. Students will start with readings on core concepts from the Agile Practice Guide in this lesson. These core concepts are basic to an understanding of the contemporary project methodology that is usually applied in the field of project management.

Lesson 2: System for Value Delivery

This lesson will cover core concepts, relationships among Portfolio Management, Program Management, Project Management and Organizational Project Management. In addition, we will derive some insight from the various roles in the project environment with both predictive and adaptive methodologies. A key concept is selecting the correct project approach from either an adaptive/agile approach or a predictive/waterfall approach. This course uses the terms methodology or approach interchangeably. How an organization chooses to bound or manage projects is a good indicator of future success — or better said, it’s an organization’s “system for value delivery.”

Lesson 3: Project Management Principles

If you are building a career in management, you will need to prepare for increased responsibility and authority. Your career is in focus here. Examining how you can build your personal competency can start right here by learning these and examining your own by an assessment of your individual skill. A wise saying: “Accentuate your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses.”

Lesson 4: Performance Domains 1-3

This lesson will cover Performance Domains 1-3. These are the first three of the eight performance domains. The projects performance is the point, which is not separate from organizational performance, in that the project goal is to build upon an organization's value delivery capability or the components that lead to the advancement of business or services provided.

Lesson 5: Performance Domains 4-5

This lesson will cover Performance Domains 4-5: the Planning Performance Domain (2.4) and the Project Work Performance Domain (2.5). The projects planning and work performance are covered in our reading. Pay particular attention to the planning performance domain, as it will be our activity and represents a significant level of information that, if mastered, will help you with test questions and answer identification.

Lesson 6: Performance Domains 6-7

This lesson will cover Performance Domains 6-7: the delivery Performance Domain (2.6) and the measurement Performance Domain (2.7).The project’s execution includes this lesson’s domain focus areas to deliver results, measure performance and deal with the inevitable uncertainty. Project team and leadership engagement in the various activities and competencies in this lesson are determinative to the project's success. Many focus items in this lesson are not only core project principles but also focus areas for the CAPM exam preparation.

Lesson 7: Uncertainty and Tailoring

This lesson covers the Performance Domain (2.8): Uncertainty. The lesson also covers selected readings in GUIDE Chapter 3, covering an introduction to the topic of Tailoring. The sub-topic of Risk will also be covered in this lesson.

Lesson 8: Models, Methods and Artifacts

Every organization will make decisions on employment of various Models, Methods and Artifacts (MMAs). While MMAs all fall into the approach (methodology) chosen and discussed in many of the previous lessons, MMAs are a roster or slate of players and tactics to be employed in a particular portfolio or project.  MMAs are found in PMBOK Guide 7e, Chapter 4; Models, Methods, & Artifacts pp. 153-195. Readings in the APG will introduce the concepts of lean framework and its own MMAs (while not necessarily listed as MMAs.) Understand all possible MMAs are not covered in the PMBOK Guide, and it may not be possible to implement all that are covered fully. Because the Guide introduces them, we will cover them.

Lesson 9: Guide Appendix Overview

This lesson wraps up the coverage of core and CAPM prep topics with a focus on Agile team requisites of the Sponsor, Product and Agile Team composition. While Glossary is assigned, students can choose to review it to a level they require, which is based on each one’s own confidence level. This lesson will cover core concepts with additional coverage of the division between the adaptive and predictive projects. The glossary is not assigned to read, per se, but to use as a resource to improve your vocabulary of projects. Study tip: tag those acronyms and terms you think are the most important and study them your way. You can add them to the slide set to drill on them.

Lesson 10: Final Exam

Learner Outcomes

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Explain what is meant by "Agile Methods" or "Agile Approaches" to project management
  • Select the correct project approach from either an adaptive/agile approach or a predictive/waterfall approach to project management
  • Describe the 12 principles of project management
  • Identify stakeholders and team members in a given project
  • Identify sources of project complexity
  • Identify methods of troubleshooting project pain points
  • Identify scope of a given project
  • Describe methods of tailoring projects
  • Describe models and frameworks for managing a project
  • Identify the roles of a project sponsor


Participants will have 12 months to complete this online, mentor-supported course.

All necessary materials are included.


  • This course prepares the student to take the Project Management Institute (PMI) Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) certification exam.
  • To apply for the CAPM, students will need to have:
    • Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate degree or the global equivalent)
    • 23 hours of project management education completed by the time you sit for the exam
System Requirements:

Internet Connectivity Requirements:
  • Cable and DSL internet connections are recommended for the best experience.
Hardware Requirements:
  • CPU: 1 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 2 GB or higher
  • Resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher
  • Speakers / Headphones
  • Microphone (Webinar / Live Online sessions)
Operating System Requirements:
  • Microsoft Windows 7 or 10 (Home, Pro)
  • Mac OSX 10 or higher
  • Latest Chrome OS
  • Latest Linux Distributions

NOTE: While we understand that our courses can be viewed on Android and iPhone devices, we do not recommend the use of these devices for our courses. The size of these devices do not provide a good learning environment for students taking online or live online-based courses.

Web Browser Requirements:
  • Latest Google Chrome is recommended for the best experience.
  • Latest Mozilla Firefox
  • Latest Microsoft Edge
  • Latest Apple Safari

Basic Software Requirements (recommended):

  • Office suite (Microsoft Office, OpenOffice or LibreOffice)
  • PDF reader program (Adobe Reader, Foxit)
  • Courses may require other software that is denoted in the above course outline.
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) Exam Prep (Online)
Jul 01, 2024 to Jun 30, 2025
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $1,059.00